Friday, 30 October 2015


India is a state made up of states and union territories. The legal drinking age and the laws that regulate consumption of alcohol vary from state to state. Some states, like Gujarat and the union territory of Lakshadweep have legally banned alcohol. In spite of the laws, regulating alcohol there has been an increased consumption of alcohol for the last two decades.
The availability of alcohol in India has led to the increase in alcohol consumption, which in turn has led to increased number of alcohol addicts Furthermore; the fact that alcohol is socially accepted makes the drug consumption high. Since India has the highest population in the world it, therefore, offers a ready market for the alcohol that international brewers and distillers distil.
The process of having a license in India depends on the state and the type of liquor that you would wish to sale. The various states in India have different types of liquors legally accepted for sale in their area of jurisdiction. This determines the presence of the license and permit from the government. Indian government gives you options on the process of possessing a liquor license. You can buy a new license or buy a license from another person who has the license of your wish.
First, you should consider the type of liquor legally accepted in the state and area that you would wish to start your business. This will definitely determine the presence or absence of the license. After putting all the above factors into consideration, you should enquire the type of license that you would wish to have the processor by any necessary means of communication. The processor will inform you about the availability of the license that you would wish to have. If the license is available, you can now apply for your license. On the other hand, Indian states allows transfer of ownership of license from one person to another. The two involved parties must first come into agreement.

Indian alcohol purchase price varies from one state to another. These prices depend on the brand of alcohol and the state economy. Besides, the prices depend on whether it is locally manufactured or imported. Imported liquor is more expensive than the locally processed liquor. Customs duty is a cause of this rise in imported liquor, which leads to an increase in its price within the country.
The price of a bottle of wine in India depends on the economic status of each state. The higher the economy the higher the price. On top of that, the number of consumers determines the price of a bottle of wine. The number of consumers of a particular bottle depends on the amount of the wine available. With high demand and low supply, the prices go up.  This business logic still applies still in the states of India. For example, the number of consumers in Punjab state are more than the number of consumers in Himachal Pradesh. Therefore, the price of a bottle of wine in Punjab is higher than the price of the same bottle in Himachal Pradesh. Besides, the economies of the two states are different with Punjab having a competitive economy than Himachal Pradesh.
Due to the increased number alcohol addicts in India, the government has taken initiatives to curb this. The number of rehabilitation centers in the country has increased. This is an initiative to rehabilitate the increased number of addicts. Some states have a strategic plan for a decade to ban alcohol. This would reduce the number of alcohol addicts in their states and the effects associated with it since the cause of their addiction is not available. The Indian government has banned the advertisement of alcohol in any social site or any advertising site. Doing so is breaking the law.

Manmohan Singh & Narendra Modi: Comparison for Prime Ministers

After a year of serving Nation as Prime Minister, the people who elected them are curious to point out what they have done for the country this whole year. Is their work progressive? Are we falling behind other nations in terms of Growth? Why food prices are hiking as compared to previous Government?
Many of such questions keep on repeating unless one government finish their five years of service. Some do it well and get elected for next 5 years, while some fail to accomplish what they had promised their voters, so they are thrown out.
So it’s been a year of service for Narendra Modi as a Prime Minister, some of his followers are very happy for what he has done in this period of time while some expected more from him. But to know the real progress of his work, let’s take a look on what previous Government has done in this one year period after Elections in 2009. Manmohan Singh was elected as a Prime Minister for the second time to head the Government of India. Was it done because they had trust in him? Or has he delivered all that, what congress politicians have promised before elections? 
Anyways, when compared the Leadership of Both in terms of growth in economic & production sectors, seven out of twelve indicators reveals the similar trend of growth that shows no big difference. It includes sectors like GDP, Agriculture, Coal, Electricity, Public Sector banks and other Non-Performing assets. Whereas, Singh takes lead over Modi in industrial production for index of Industrial Production (IIP) grew 10% from 2.8 % in 2009-10 to that about 5 % from 4.2% in 2014-15 and Modi takes a lead over Exports & Imports and Nuclear Energy Deal.

A direct comparison for both of them is not valid as Singh was in his second term in office.  So decision based on statistical data may not provide an actual understanding of their leadership. Then let’s have a look at their Key Strengths to rule efficiently.
Modi has adopted a different foreign policy. He has travelled almost eighteen nations in his one year of service that brought new opportunities of foreign investments in India. He has likewise driven effective Campaigns like "Make in India" and "Digital India" that influenced young people of India to work straightforwardly for the country. Also, corruption in top level has declined as compared to the previous government regime as a result of Good Governance.
Whereas, the Government under Manmohan Singh performed well in bringing GDP growth to 8.5% and being under pressure from allies, Singh went ahead for an Indo- US nuclear deal. His government introduced Right to Information (RTI) Act, MNREGA, Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education and also started National Rural Health Mission. Though Manmohan Singh under his leadership failed to deliver what people expected, this made him to fall in the 2014 elections. Otherwise, he is known for his strong economic reforms and good policies during 1990s economic crisis.
Manmohan Singh takes a lead when it comes to Educational Qualification. He has a doctorate in economics and has received honorary degrees from universities like Oxford and Cambridge. Also, he has served India by holding many positions like Governor of RBI, Chairman of UGC, Deputy chairman of Planning Commission, hence giving him a better understanding of our system than anyone else. In fact, Forbes Magazine has described Manmohan Singh as “Universally applauded as best PM of India”.   
Modi seeks interest in Politics while he also holds a master’s degree in Political Science. He may not be an Oxford or a Cambridge genius, but his Orator skills are praised all over the world. His previous works include his service in Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP), a section of RSS and then BJP. He is also well known for developing Gujarat after 2002 riots. As BBC described, Modi is a divisive politician who’s loved and abhorred in equal amount. Many people say, Modi has improved his and India’s Image abroad.
So, let’s not make it complicated and come to the conclusion that both of them served India in their own way (while Modi’s regime has just started). They have their own set of weakness and strengths. Success and Failures are part of any government so one cannot ask this randomly, who is better? The answer for this question may vary on individual choices, but both of them did well equally in their own fields.

Thursday, 29 October 2015

इन काले गहरे अंधेरों में, मैं तुम्हें ढूंढा करता हूँ

हर कोई दिल में वो मुक़ाम नहीं पाया करता 
हर किसी को आने की मन इजाज़त नहीं दिया करता 
मैं भी चाहता तो हूँ किसी का अब होना लेकिन 
मुझे तुझ-सा और कहीं, कोई नहीं मिला करता 

मेरे पास तो ऐसा भी कोई अहबाब नहीं,
 जिससे कर सकूँ तेरी बात मैं 
ग़म फ़िराक़ का सताए तो, 
काट सकूँ वो शब किसी का पकड़ के हाथ मैं 

मेरी तो दास्ताँ ही इतनी,
के तुमसे मोहब्बत करता था, करता हूँ 
ख़्वाब वही तुम्हारे साथ जीने के,
मैं बुनता था, बुनता हूँ 

इन काले गहरे अंधेरों में, मैं तुम्हें ढूंढा करता हूँ 
इक बार तुमसे मिलने को, मैं बेतहाशा तड़फा करता हूँ 
,मैं आज भी नाम तुम्हारे ही, सब गीत लिखा करता हूँ 
सब गीतों में तुम्हें अपना, मैं मीत लिखा करता हूँ 

शायर: "आकाश"

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

अब ये पथ छोड़ना आसान नहीं

डूब चुका अब तो मन प्रेम में 
अब ये पथ छोड़ना आसान नहीं । 

                                              अब तो चाहे-

 जियूँ या मरुँ,
मुरझाऊँ या खिलूँ ,
जीतूँ या हारूँ,

                                               दिलों के इस खेल में ।  
                                                अब ये पथ छोड़ना आसान नहीं ।।

जीवन चाहे कितना भी है
तुम बिन अधूरा तो है
वक्त जो कहीं नहीं ठहरता 
मेरे दिल में ठहरा तो है 
हिस्से में चाहतों का समंदर ना सही 
यादों का सहरा तो है 
हासिल चाहे कुछ  भी ना हुआ हो  
एहसास लेकिन गहरा तो है ॥ 

                                             प्रेम की एक बूंद ही - 

काफ़ी  होती है जीने के लिए,
हर घाव को भरने के लिए,
दिलों के खिलने के लिए, 

                                             दुखों की तपती रेत में 
                                             अब ये पथ छोड़ना आसान नहीं ।।
                                             चाहे कितना भी कहूँ संक्षेप में 
                                              अब ये पथ छोड़ना आसान नहीं ।।

शायर: "आकाश"

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

मोहब्बत एक पहेली है

मोहब्बत एक पहेली है,
चलती अकेली है। 

कहीं पल भर न ठहरे,
कहीं से उम्र भर न निकले,
बड़ी अलबेली है। 

किसी के लिए ये उजाड़ बस्ती,
किसी के लिए ये हवेली है। 

बर्बाद दिलों को आबाद कर दे,
आबाद दिलों को बर्बाद कर दे,
इसके रंग वही जाने
जिसके साथ ये खेली है। 

मोहब्बत एक पहेली है,
चलती अकेली है। 

शायर: "आकाश"

Monday, 26 October 2015

वो हुआ दिल का हिस्सा है

निकाल कर वही गलत-सलत अर्थ ही कहेंगे 
लोगों का क्या है जो भी कहेंगे व्यर्थ ही कहेंगे 

बस इतना सा किस्सा है 
वो हुआ दिल का  हिस्सा है 

वो कोई हयात नहीं 
जिस में तेरा साथ नहीं 

उसके पाँव के लम्से-अव्वल को तरसे दर मेरा 
वो कभी आए तो हो जाए मुहतरम  घर मेरा 

अपने घर में भी करार नहीं मिलता 
जब मनचाहा प्यार नहीं मिलता 

शायर: "आकाश"

Sunday, 25 October 2015

The beauty of Italy

Angel fish

Views of Manimahesha

Mountains of Manimahesh

Pahari's tashn on punjabi song

Saturday, 24 October 2015

इस जीवन का अंतिम प्रेम हो तुम

उदास शामों में राहत की सवेर हो तुम 

मधुर शब्दों में लिखा मधुर संदेश हो तुम 

बहुत सोच-विचार कर ये जाना आख़िर 

इस जीवन का अंतिम प्रेम हो तुम 

शायर: "आकाश"

Thursday, 22 October 2015

अपने साथ हाँ वही हुई

ये वो नहीं जो सोची थी 
जो सोची थी वो ज़िंदगी थी

भूलने तक की जो नौबत आई 
मोहब्बत में ही कोई कमी थी 

अपने साथ हाँ वही हुई 
रेखाओं में जो लिखी थी 

अपनी मोहब्बत बिलकुल वैसी थी 
जैसी किताबों में पढ़ी थी 

पूछते हो मोहब्बत क्या है 
जो ना  कही कभी वही थी 

शायर: "आकाश"

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

"नज़फगढ़ के नवाब", "मुल्तान के सुल्तान" और "जेन मास्टर ऑफ़ माडर्न क्रिकेट" ने कहा क्रिकेट की दुनिया को अलविदा

राष्ट्रीय और अंतराष्ट्रीय स्तर पर  वीरू के प्रशंसकों को अब उनका जलवा देखने को नहीं मिलेगा। तमाम अटकलों के बाद आखिर ये सुनिच्छित हो गया है के नज़फगढ़ के नवाब ने क्रिकेट के सभी प्रारूपों से संयास  ले लिया है ।

रोहित शर्मा, शिखर धवन, और आजिंक्य रहाणे की मौजूदा फॉर्म से ये तो तय था के अब अंतराष्ट्रीय क्रिकेट में वापसी  करना आसान  नहीं है; लेकिन कहीं-ना-कहीं सेलेक्ट्रों ने भी भारतीय क्रिकेट के भविषय के लिए अपना नज़रिया साफ़ कर  दिया है । जहां मध्य क्रम में  सुरेश रैना और अंबाति रायडू की ख़राब फॉर्म के वाबजूद सेलेक्ट्रों  ने उन पर अपना बिश्वास कायम रखा है और युवराज सिंह की हालिया फॉर्म को नज़रअंदाज़ किया है तो ऐसे हालातों में सहवाग के आग़े संयास लेने के सिवा ओर कोई रास्ता नहीं था । 

Monday, 19 October 2015

Love for his mother

Naughty Sheru

Sports Budget of India

Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports (India)

The Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports  is administers Department of youth affairs and Department of Sports.

Year                Budget(in Rupees)                                              

2013-14         Rs.1,005.60 Cr.                                                   

2014-15         Rs.1156.61 Cr.                                                                   

2015-16           Rs.1541.13 Cr.                                                                                                                

2013, 2014 and 2015 Ministry of the Interior budget of Tunisia

Ministry of the Interior (Tunisia)

The Tunisian Ministry of the Interior is a government ministry of Tunisia. It is responsible for internal affairs.

Year                Budget(in Tunisian Dinar)                                              Budget(in USD)   
2013                2,143 MTD (million Tunisian dinars)                            1096.33million$

2014                2,279 MTD (million Tunisian dinars)                            1165.91million$

2015                2,615 MTD (million Tunisian dinars)                            1337.80million$

Saturday, 17 October 2015

कलम वो, मेरे हाथों में दे गया

ग़म लाख़ चंद मुलाकातों में दे गया 
यादों के जुगनूँ सौगातों में दे गया ।।  

लगाया था उस रोज़ जब गले उसने 
मोहब्बतें पाक, जज़्बातों में दे गया ।।  

बताकर चाँद को वो अक्स अपना 
हुनर जागने के रातोँ में दे गया ।।  

बिछड़ा तो भी हुनर से नवाज़ा उसने 
कलम वो, मेरे हाथों में दे गया ।।  
शायर : "आकाश"

ख़्वाब बन के रह गया वो

ख़्वाब बन के रह गया वो 
अज़ाब बन के रह गया वो 

लिखा जिसे मैंने हम-नफ़स मान के 
किताब बन के रह गया  वो 

बयाँ करना था जिसे दीवानापन मेरा 
नकाब बन के रह गया वो 

उससे बिछड़े इतने अब इतने दिन हुए 
हिसाब बन के रह गया वो 
शायर : "आकाश"

Friday, 16 October 2015

Our Authors

Take a look at our authors' gallery.

Rita Cripe is a recent graduate with a degree in Creative Writing. She lives in Bloomington city of U.S. state of Indiana. Since she was little, she's always had a passion for writing and has always enjoyed creating little stories. Although this is her first published work, she hopes to write considerably more in the future.

Maria Schicks is a bilingual writer and translator who is fluent in German and English. She started writing when she was still in college and has written many stories since then. This is one of them. She currently resides in Germany.

Sunny Singh is a writer and publisher. He lives in Jawali city of India, and he has written various poems (Gazal and Nazm) in Hindi and Urdu language. He is a very creative person and after listening to his poems, fans forced to him to write stories or novels. So, from there, he tried his hand at writing. 

Roman J. lives in London in the United Kingdom, he is an accomplished editor, writer and proofreader with a portfolio ranging from technical manuals to publishing books and from magazine/journal/newspaper articles to working with writers for whom English is not a first language.

Roxanne Jade Regalado is a graduate of B.S. Psychology from Silliman University, Dumaguete City, Philippines. She lives in Cadiz City, Negros Occidental with her mother, sister, niece, nephew and pets. She likes to write books while listening to music which serves as her inspiration for her work. She has published three books entitled Beloved, 100 Ways to Have Fun and Be Happy, and 40 Ways to a Regret Free Life.

Lator Andrew Osarumwense lives in Benin City, Nigeria, he is a prolific writer, and has written various books of all genres ranging from kids to adults books. The title of his new book is "The Foolish Brother", a book jam-packed with adventures and comedies to interest any person who reads it. This story is filled with information, parables and real-life stories of things that have happened or are currently happening in some part of the world.

His favorite hobbies are swimming, writing and researching. He has been fond of writing since childhood and has great passion in entertaining people by giving them a smiling and happy face. He is a graduate of Western Delta University, Nigeria and currently the CEO of Andy Infotech, Benin City, Nigeria.

European P. Douglas was born in Dublin, Ireland in 1978 where he spent his first six weeks of life in an incubator. This is where he developed his independent streak and ability to entertain himself and the qualities needed to enjoy a solitary pursuit like writing. At the age of 14 he developed a liking for travel and did this as much as possible until the recession pummelled him in 2009. While unemployed he completed a Creative Writing Diploma from Kilroy's College (While also less glamorously becoming a certified payroll technician).

He has written a novel called 'The Dolocher,' five novellas called 'The Brave Festival,''The Case for Skeletons,''Michelin,' 'The Story of Furniture Anderson' and 'Luminescence'as well as a book of short stories called 'The Great Brutality.' 

About Us

Sunny Singh - Author & Publisher is a book publishing company who provides the platform for new writers to publish their work.  

2 ways to work with us:

(i) We hire the writers at every month from So keep eyes on our job post at there. 
(ii) In every 3 months, we run a contest for writers.(Check out the contest page for more detail)

Our Services:

Ghost Writing
Fee Charges: 0.02USD * Total Words

Article Writing
Fee Charges: 0.04USD * Total Words

E-Book Writing
Fee Charges: 0.02USD * Total Words

World Wide 2015 December Writing Contest

Are you a writer? Are you looking for an opportunity to publish your work? Do you think that you have a great story and want to show your work to the peoples? If yes then you don't need to look at anywhere. Sunny Singh - Author & Publisher company is giving an opportunity to new writers. Just fill the form and book your entry for "World Wide 2015 December Writing Contest".
We accept only 100 entries from all over the world. We will publish of 1st-10 writers' work in both print and ebook format who win this contest and the 1st winning writer will get also 300 USD prize and will get work for next 12 months with a legal contract.
The length of story should be up to  6000 words.
We'll  publish the work of December 2015 contest in January 2016. The last date of submission your work is 15 December 2015(12:00 PM IST).

If you want to  take multiple entries in this contest then fill the "Select a category of contest" column with multiple categories.

Note: The contest fee for each category is 15 USD. So if you select the multiple categories then choose the quantity according to your categories at the payment time. 

After confirmation of your entry, send us your manuscript(s) with this information - name, Country, Contest ID and Category of contest at before 15 December 2015(12:00 PM IST).

For further queries, contact us at

Click here for 'Contest Form':

उसे इक बार मैं बता भी नहीं सकता

जिसे इस जन्म में मैं पा भी नहीं सकता 
उसे इस जन्म में मैं भूला भी नहीं सकता

बड़े नाज़ से लिखा है उसका नाम दिल पे 
कोई हर्फ़ उसका मैं मिटा भी नहीं सकता

राख ही क्यों ना कर दे ये इश्क़ मुझे 
ये चिराग लेकिन मैं कभी बुझा भी नहीं सकता 

मैं तमाम उम्र ही उसे लिखता रहा हूँ "आकाश" 
लेकिन उसे इक बार मैं बता भी नहीं सकता

शायर : "आकाश"

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

My Childhood Companion

Produced as a collaborative effort between authors from all over the world, My Childhood Companion is a collection of short stories on the themes of friendship, family and love based on Sunny’s experiences, and written especially for this book.
It is particularly exciting to showcase this collection of work, as the authors all worked independently to produce their stories, and then the collection was brought together by Sunny Singh. The authors’ backgrounds cover four continents and a variety of professional writing experience, but the stories converge on the ideals of connecting with other human beings, the joy of finding love, and the cataclysmic effects of emotional hardship. These are universal themes, and they have been developed in different ways in this collection, but they are always relevant.
The titular story is authored by Sunny Singh, and describes the experience of a first love, but like many first loves, it does not have a fairytale happy ending. However, that’s not to say that the experience was wasted, but rather, it forms a core memory crucial for how the main character developed as he grew up. What happens when you have tried to forget your first love, and then are reminded of her presence again?
Roman J.’s story, The Love Letter, recounts a similar tale, with a few twists: the adolescent years are not always forgiving ones. The Love Letter follows the story of two teens from 7th to 10th grade, and chronicles the growth of their friendship, to the discovery of romance and broken hearts, plus the frustration and angst of being still unable to control one’s life independent of one’s parents. Losing one’s love, then finding her again, is a dominant theme in this extremely relatable story.

The third story in the collection, The Foolish Brother, is an African-inspired parable about gods, families and the power of goodness in a community. The author, Lator Andrew Osarumwense, draws from traditional African influences to weave a modern fairytale with evil fathers, heroes from faraway lands, and the importance of family and heritage. Love, however, will still drive this story—but will it still have a traditional fairytale ending?
Let Her Go is written by Maria Schicks, and is again based on themes from Sunny’s experiences as a teenager. This story describes not just the relationship between the protagonist and his love interest, but also the relationships and interactions between other people who are associated with them: their friends, family and teachers. After all, relationships do affect more than just the two people involved in them.
Finally, Rita Cripe offers Just a Loan; an uplifting story about a modern romance and the harsh realities of the business world and the complexities of relationships. Kama is applying for a loan for his Indian restaurant business from Amy, who works at the bank. Will he be able to convince her that he and his business are worth her time and support? What is in store for them as they try to maneuver the fine line between business and pleasure?
Developed by an international network of authors, the stories in My Childhood Companion—whether they are humor-driven, self-reflective or poignant—show how exactly how the notions of romance, love and relationships are truly universal notions that transcend national and cultural barriers.
These stories are presented for the first time in an easy-to-read collection as a series of relatable parables for the modern world; they invite self-reflection on what is truly valuable, and will remind you of your own life experiences and the power of love to change a person.